Here are some common orthodontic hardware issues and what to do if they occur:
Loose bracket or band
If the bracket or band is still attached to the wire, leave it in place. If it is uncomfortable, you can cover it over with wax. Call our office to let us know that you may need extra time at your next appointment.
Wire out of the molar tube
Try to put the wire back into the tube on the molar. Tweezers may help. If you are uncomfortable, place wax over the area and call our office so we can better assess the problem.
Wire shifted or rotated
If a wire slides enough so that a large part of the wire sticks out of the tube on the molar, then put some wax on it and call the office for an appointment.
Lost tie or A-ring
Not a major problem. Just notify the assistant at your next appointment.
For soreness
Maintain a soft food diet and take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed on the bottle. If soreness persists for more than five days, call the office.
For more information,
Boland Orthodontics today!
True orthodontic emergencies are rare and most hardware issues can be safely resolved at your next regular appointment.
However, if you are in pain due to a displaced wire or a traumatic incident, you may require emergency attention. If the fixes mentioned on this page are insufficient, please call our office right away at (630) 481-6588.
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